
Tradestation app store
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Global Wellness Strategies, Inc.'s (OTCQB: PNNRF) (CSE: GWS) (Frankfurt: O3X) interview, Ms. Sekur's® (division of GlobeX Data, Ltd ) "SPECIAL SEGMENT" interview, internet privacy expert Mr. James Putra, Vice-president Product Strategy. Cryptocurrency TradeStation Crypto's (TSCrypto) interview, Mr. Dylan Dewdney, Chief Stratosphere Officer (CSO), and Mr. Cryptocurrency Kylin Network's ( CRYPTO:KYL )( $KYL ) interviews Mr. show, airing tomorrow night, Tuesday, November 09, 10:30 PM PT, on the Fox Business Network, features the following five (5) Companies and their businesses representatives:ġ). believes they can take advantage of the NFT acceptance on all types of asset values. The growth of NFT will continue, and NFT Trade, Inc. In contrast, the daily dollar value in NFT trades exceeds all of 2020 in its entirety. The value proposition on NFT assets can be both structured and volatile, and he gives examples of the trend in worldwide acceptances in NFTs. Levi explains NFTrade's ability to connect art creators and traders in a value-added process using NFT, which changes the traditional legacy platform on art sales. As an aggregator, not a stand-alone platform, NFT owners can trade NFTs universally on their system. Levi explains the Company's growing business platform of creating, buying, selling, trading, and swapping NFTs. Ori Levi, CEO, NFTrade (CRYPTO:NFTD) ($NFTD). The in-studio NASDAQ interview airs tonight, Monday, November 08, 2021, with New to The Street T.V.


He talks about the Company's game, "Price Kingdom," a game full of fun and surprises, with a chance to win many prizes. He talks about the Company closing on a "Series A" round funding and the upcoming "Series B" round funding, using funds for growth, studio expansions, and attracting key employment talents.

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Their platform, the first of its kind in the gaming industry, now allows large and small gamers to participate in a monetary stake during their gaming experiences. Hosting some of the top gaming programs, INK Game allows all users the opportunity to make money. Towles explains how INK Games changes the current economic landscape in the gaming industry.

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Rob Towles, CEO at INK Games, for his NASDAQ in-studio interview with T.V. Tonight, Monday, November 08, 2021, New to The Street T.V. Jackson continues to see a strong future ahead for Sportemon Go. With the increasing global acceptance in NFT collectibles with users finding, buying, hunting, and trading NFTs of their favorite sporting heroes, Mr. Jackson shows and explains to viewers the Company's proprietary NFT band, which can securely hold all NFT purchases. With the increasing growth and popularity in NFT's, Mr.


He updates the most recent news of hiring international acclaimed movie star Russell Crow as a spokesperson for the Company and the significance of his star power in giving the Company more brand awareness. He explains Sportemon Go's stadium ecosystem, which combines both the physical and virtual fan experience. Jackson talks about the Company's unique cryptocurrency, with a purpose to revolutionize both the interactive gaming, NFT collectible, and broader sport experience industries. Corey Jackson, Co-founder, at cryptocurrency Company, Sportemon Go (CRYPTO:SGO) ($SGO ) on tonight's show, Monday, November 08, 2021. Host Jane King's in-studio NASDAQ interview with Mr. Both Peter and Devin talk about the uniqueness of the LiquidNFTs platform and how the "Not-for-Profit" $WISE token works in these transactions. Once assigned market value and using the Company's WISE token, funding between a lender and a borrower commences. Marty gives examples of how a holder of NFTs can borrow against the stored NFT value or launch a funding proposal on LiquidNFTs' platform. Girr explains LiquidNFTs decentralized platform, which can unlock NFTs potential liquidity. Devin Marty, Director of Strategy, LiquidNFTs ( CRYPTO:WISE ) ( $WISE ). tonight, Monday, November 08, 2021, the in-studio NASDAQ interviews with Mr. Show, Airing on Fox Business Network, Tonight, Monday, November 8, 2021, at 10:30 PM PT and Airing Tomorrow Night, Tuesday, November 9, 2021, at 10:30 PM PTģ). Announces the Corporate Interviews for its T.V.

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